Ep.86/ YOCTO
Witnessing the power of transactional notifications and order tracking with George Kapernaros (Founder & CEO of YOCTO)
On this episode of Retention Chronicles we’re joined by George Kapernaros, Founder & CEO of YOCTO. Noah, Mariah and George talk about how specialists at Yocto can only work with a maximum of 3 clients at once so they can closely spot gaps and inefficiencies in their strategy, his skepticism that consumers buy from transactional emails but was then proven wrong by insane engagement rates, how the engagement on transactional emails helps the deliverability of your marketing emails, believing the power of transactional messages and purchasing from the order tracking page, using the number of unique clicks to website from email as their main KPI, the areas that brand owners frequently neglect in their email & SMS marketing, & more!Malomo is currently running our Tracking Page Contest until 10/2/2023 and it is open to all Shopify/Shopify+ brands and agencies. Check it out here:https://gomalomo.com/tracking-page-contest